Request Message of Business Trip

*8 weeks before your trip (abroad), or 4 weeks before your trip (domestic), Please send a message of "Business Trip Reqest" to office@ with the following format, after fixing your schedule, transportation, and accommodations with Suzuki sensei's help.

* Please use the following format and send it to office@ai.iit.tsukuba.ac.jp ASAP.   All information should be written in Japanese (incl. Kanji).   

Email Format

Mail To: office@ai.iit.tsukuba.ac.jp             

Subject: : 【出張申請】 氏名(name)・・・・ (場所(place) ○○○)                  
  ( 例)【出張申請】マイク ジョンソン (オランダ:07/31-08/05))  
Name:  マイク ジョンソン
School year: 博士前期課程1年 
Purpose of the trip:
Place for the trip:         ** 大学 (** university)
Address of the place:    write the detailed address (最寄駅 nearest station        )
Periods: 2013年8月20-23日(3日間)
URL of the conference: When you attend the conference, the URL is necessary especially the page your name is cited.    

ex1)     第3回○○研究会へ出席し“○○(発表題名)”についての研究発表
(translation as a reference) To attend 第3回○○研究会 and give a presentation about “(title of your presentation)” (The conference hold: Month/day~month/day), and collect the latest information about ○○.

ex2) ○○大学にて●●に関する研究打合せを行うため(先方担当者:◎◎先生)
            At  ○○ university, I will have a meeting about ●●. (the representative of the meeting: Professior ◎◎)