Universtiy Regulation for Business Trips

University Official Regulation in Japanese. The following information is just extracted from the above document.


transportation(train/flight) + accommodations +daily allowance

Tokyo Main District

3,600 JPY

Neighboorhood (Tsuchiura etc.)

Daily Allowance 600 JPY
(except for Tsukuba CIty)

Other cities

* Regulation (Upper limit)
Accommodation / day : 9,000 JPY
Daily Allowance per a day: 1,200 JPY


transportation(train/flight) + accommodations +daily allowance + others (visa, airport tax, etc.)

Categry A Country

* Regulation (Upper limit)
Accommodation / day : 17,600 JPY
Daily Allowance per a day: 3,400 JPY

Categry B Country

* Regulation (Upper limit)
Accommodation / day : 11,700 JPY
Daily Allowance per a day: 2,300 JPY



- Categry A Country

North America: North American continent, Greenland, Hawaii Islands, Bermuda and Guam, as well as those in the vicinity of the island (excluding Mexico south of the region.) (Except for the West Indies and the Mariana Islands (except Guam)..)
Europe: continental Europe (Azerbaijan, Albania, Armenia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Croatia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, the Czech Republic, Turkmenistan, Hungary, Bulgaria, Belarus, Poland, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro , except Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Moldova and Russia.), Iceland, Ireland, the UK, Malta and Cyprus, as well as those of the surrounding islands (the Azores, including the Madeira Islands and Canary Islands.)
Middle East: the Arabian Peninsula, Afghanistan, Israel, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Jordan, Syria, Turkey and Lebanon as well as those around the island
City: Singapore, Moscow, Abidjan

- Categry A Country

Other Countries not listed above.